What Are The Safe Methods To Clean Your Tiles Deeply?

Cleaning the tiles is really very important to get rid of all dirt and dust from your tiles. Below listed are some safe methods to clean your tiles deeply

Safe Methods To Clean Your Tiles

1. Use Of Dish Soap 

Make a cleaning solution with room temperature water and dish soap and use a cloth to clean floor tiles in the kitchen and bathroom. In the living room and other common areas, you can start by cleaning up any small particles such as dust and dirt with a vacuum cleaner and then proceed with solutions of lemon water or vinegar.

2. Use Of Warm Water

Lubricate porcelain flooring with warm water regularly to maintain its smooth appearance. For deep cleansing, add ¼ a cup of vinegar to a bucket of warm water to make a non-explosive thick solution. Pour the solution into small areas on the floor and let stand for a few minutes before applying.

3. Scrubbing 

Sweeping away dirt and dust particles and scrubbing keep these tiles looking as good as new. You can thoroughly clean your cement tiles every month by rinsing them with water and a cleaning solution. Don’t use an acid filter such as bleach as it can remove the top coat from your beautiful-looking tiles.

4. Use Neutral pH Solution 

Put half a cup of dish soap in a bucket of warm water and use a mop to clean these dirty tiles. Always remember to use a neutral pH solution that will not cause light loss. A neutral pH solution is made to clean small dust particles. Complete the cleaning process by scrubbing the tiles with a soft towel as water can contaminate the tiles’ pores.

5. Use Brush

It is best to invest in a tile cleaning brush designed to clean the dirty tiles deeply. Sprinkle tiles with vinegar and water solution and leave for 10 minutes before brushing.

6. Use Lemon Juice

One of the safe methods to clean your tiles deeply is to use lemons as they contain citric acid, but more recently it has been shown how the acid works to clean all the dirty tiles. Lemons are excellent for cleaning all grimed tiles which are dirty because they break down stains and dirt, emitting natural light. And natural bleach when exposed to the sun, so if you have dirty bathroom or kitchen tiles, consider cleaning the area with diluted lemon juice and soaking it for a while. Pour lemon juice into a spray water bottle that you will use as a solution for cleaning countertops, and your work here is done.

Tile Grout Can Be Cleaned By Using These Three Easy Steps: 

1. Use DIY grout cleaner: Don’t use commercial cleaning products and replace the baking soda with water.

2. Rub the grout: Apply it to the tiles and allow it to last all night, and then rub the stain with a strong nylon brush in the morning. Repeat if needed.

3. Seal grout: Cover the grout with a silicone-based cleanser to ward off future stains. This works best if done within 10-14 days of seeing the grout. Get a free quote over the phone for free Tile and grout cleaning.

Published on: May 3, 2023

Last updated on: May 4, 2023